
Saturday, December 4, 2010

25 Days of Christmas

Oh my! This time of year always comes around so quickly and I am NEVER ready!
I've been doing a  photo-a-day and some how have fallen one month behind. Aagh!
To get me started on December I'm using these sweet templates by Roadside Designs. As a bonus they are free on her blog - one each day!

It has been a particularly busy week for me with a trip to Melbourne for a conference, apartment hunting with my eldest daughter, shopping, a school awards night, a progressive dinner with dessert at my house.

So you can imagine how handy these templates have been!

There is a story to the photos of the awards ceremony. We were very proud that our daughter was elected prefect. And very proud that it is something she really wants to do and will do well. So of course I needed to take photos. But in the chaos that as characterized this week I left my camera at home! By the time I'd retrieved it (and navigated through traffic jams and flooding...!!) we were already late for the ceremony and had to be escorted in. And what a shame that the few remaining seats were right in the middle near the front. Of course we made a bit of a spectacle trying to sneak in, but I got my photos and that's all that matters, right?! ;)


  1. I also use these templates for my december daily but I transform little;) you were right to turn back. It is a big moment and some photos really cost. And you can be proud of your daughter!

  2. Nothing like the "Mum papparazzi" huh? Great photos and loving the pages.


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